For those who constantly struggle with watching their weight, snacking is the bane of human existence. While mindless munching is an enjoyable (and addictive) activity, over 100 million American adults struggle with obesity, begging the question: What can be done to reverse the dangerous snacking trend with snack companies?
While many say the root of the problem lies in eating the wrong type of food and snacking at the wrong time of day, perhaps it is time for food companies to step in and play an active role in helping snackers pursue healthier lifestyles. This is where a Snack Company can take control of messaging through a strategic Food Public Relations campaign.
PR Overview
Marketing and PR Strategy for a Snack Brand
As people seek to make healthier choices, brands can play an important role by modifying their marketing strategy to promote health conscious products and to encourage snackers to consider a shift in their eating habits. By changing the way they market their products, food companies can help change the lives of those in need as well as stand out amongst their competition and establish their brand as the “it” choice for snackers everywhere.
Establish Your Messaging
What lifestyle do you want to represent? Before hitting the shelves, it’s up to food brands to brainstorm the message they wish to convey to its customers. Brands should take on the responsibility of showing consumers how even the occasional indulgence can be healthy. How can your customers enjoy your product without feeling like they made a mistake? What buzz words does your company want to be associated with? Aligning your brand with key words like “healthy” “fit” “active” “fresh” and “energy” will make your brand more appealing to customers and help guide them on their way to pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Once you’ve established who you want to be and how you want to be perceived, you are ready for the next step: standing out amongst your competition.
Differentiate Your Product and Brand
So you claim to be “healthy”. How does that make you different from the hundreds of other brands who make the same claim? Don’t just say it – show it. Take to social media to help promote healthy lifestyles by offering fitness tips and healthy recipes. Encourage your employees to pursue healthy lifestyles as well. Institute office health competitions that will help strengthen your team – and your brand. If your team feels inspired by health, the excitement will undoubtedly embed itself in the brand and its products. Another tactic to differentiate your brand is to pursue consumer education through communications programs. Establishing educational health programs will set you apart as a community focused brand and will drive customers who are looking for healthy options to your products.
Take it to the Shelves!
You’re ready to market your product! When marketing your healthy snack, be specific. Instead of promoting your product as a “health” snack, view it as a “high-fiber snack that has added vitamins and minerals that is sure to improve daily activity.” Using detailed messaging will make your brand pop out on the shelves. If you’re offering products that are low in calories, preservatives or other additives, advertise these changes on their packaging. Offer customers 100 calorie snack packs that can help snackers monitor how much they are eating at one time as well as provide whole grain and sugar free options. Brands that are putting the right kind of fuel in the body when people are on the go are extremely helpful in curbing inappropriate snacking and encouraging a healthy lifestyle.
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