Companies that want to increase the number of subscribers that they have to their email newsletters can turn their followers from Facebook into email subscribers with the right strategies. There are a few different ways that companies can use Facebook to generate more email subscriptions and improve their email marketing efforts.
PR Overview
The first way that companies can get their Facebook followers to convert into email newsletter subscribers is by setting up an action button on the Facebook business page of the company where the followers will get to sign up for the company’s newsletter. The action button on the Facebook business page is relatively easy for companies to set up, as long as the company is using the new Pages experience. All it takes is selecting the option for the action button regarding how people will engage with the company’s Facebook business page and then inputting the email sign-up form URL. From there, anyone that visits the company’s Facebook business page will easily be able to subscribe to the company’s email newsletter. Then, companies can also create paid or organic content that will motivate potential subscribers to follow through with the call to action and generate more sign-ups on the platform as well.
Another way for companies to generate more email subscribers from Facebook, especially for companies that have an engaged audience on the platform is by adding a sign-up link to the organic posts that the company is sharing on the platform. In order for a company to generate the best possible results from this strategy, it’s important for businesses to provide their Facebook followers with an incentive that’s going to motivate them to subscribe to the newsletter. For instance, companies can provide any new subscribers that join through the link on Facebook with a free gift or a discount whenever they decide to make a purchase from the company. This sign-up link can be added to the organic content that the company is sharing on the platform, however, it can also be added to the comment section of the content that the company is sharing. In general, the link should show up as the first comment for other Facebook users, however, it’s important for companies to test out the different options that they have to figure out which one is going to work best for their audience.
Finally, companies can increase the number of email subscribers they have from Facebook by creating a Facebook promotion that is going to target specific users on the platform to sign up. That means the company will have to create targeted advertising campaigns that are going to be distributed to users that are going to be most likely to follow through with a call to action and sign up for the company’s newsletter.
Finally, companies can increase the number of email subscribers they have from Facebook by creating a Facebook promotion that is going to target specific users on the platform to sign up. That means the company will have to create targeted advertising campaigns that are going to be distributed to users that are going to be most likely to follow through with a call to action and sign up for the company’s newsletter. 
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