Gamification Delivers Results
Gamification Delivers Results

Gamification Delivers Results

In his October 9, 2016 blog about the Baltimore Ravens fourth-quarter loss to the Washington Redskins, former NFL player Dan Birdwell threw in this quote: “You have to play this game just like somebody just hit your mother with a two by four.”

Game or what’s since evolved into gamification perked up again during the pandemic with so many people quarantined at home. Since 1984, companies were urged to use gamification to improve employee engagement and get workers to more clearly define their goals. It was viewed as a novel way to keep score and get more frequent feedback from employees.

In his October 9, 2016 blog about the Baltimore Ravens fourth-quarter loss to...

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YouTube Shifts Serve as an Example of Narrative Evolution
YouTube Shifts Serve as an Example of Narrative Evolution

YouTube Shifts Serve as an Example of Narrative Evolution

There’s a general rule of thumb that people can “learn just about anything” on YouTube – and the entertainment value is high, too. From educational content to silly videos, to elaborate stunts and fun commentary, there’s plenty to experience on the user-generated video sharing site. Recently, though, new and unique topics have been trending on YouTube, underscoring how the platform is both art imitating life and life imitating art. 

Viewers have popularized videos about how to make PPE masks, quarantine lifestyle tips, and fun ways to make it through online education. Meanwhile, reposted content from political leaders related to COVID-19 response are also jumping into the most-viewed videos lineup in a given time frame. In recent remarks to the media, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said her team was monitoring the shift in content and viewership: 

There’s a general rule of thumb that people can “learn just about...

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remarketing retargeting
remarketing retargeting

The Difference Between Remarketing and Retargeting

According to some digital media pundits, less than 2% of customers actually make a purchase upon their first visit on a site. This is where remarketing and retargeting come in: both tactics are designed to help businesses reach back to customers who have shown interest in their brand.

That said, it’s easy to confuse the two when devising a digital marketing strategy. Here is a guide to understanding the difference between the two, and advice on how to use these tactics to re-engage with site visitors.

According to some digital media pundits, less than 2% of customers actually...

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Newsworthy: What makes a story worthy of the news?

A newsworthy story generates massive pickup throughout the media. ‘Viral’ would be another word that can be used in place of newsworthy.

In the field of Public Relations, there is one cardinal rule; whatever steps you take in creating spin or buzz, it has to be picked up by the press. All the PR in the world won’t do any good unless people get to see it. Here are the five most important traits in ensuring that your PR efforts are reported far and wide

A newsworthy story generates massive pickup throughout the media. 'Viral' would...

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twitter calculator
twitter calculator

Twitter Calculator: How Much Are Tweets Worth?

Many people seem to be unaware of the fact that it’s not just Instagram and YouTube where people are able to gain a profit from sharing content. The same thing is also possible on Twitter, as every single account, hashtag, and tweet has an economic market value that anyone is able to calculate.

However, it’s a lot easier to make these calculations for people or accounts that are considered influencers, as they tend to have a higher number of followers, as well as better engagement. As with other social media platforms, the more popular an influencer is, the higher their potential social media-related wages are going to be.

Many people seem to be unaware of the fact that it’s not just Instagram and...

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How Has Social Media Disrupted Public Relations
How Has Social Media Disrupted Public Relations

How Has Social Media Disrupted Public Relations

For several years now, the mainstream news channels, including newspapers and TV broadcasts, are no longer the main industries for breaking news stories – especially if it means keeping up with any new developments to those stories in real-time.

All of this is due to the rapid development and increased popularity of social media and has led to traditional media outlets no longer having a monopoly on news and stories. This is especially important for public relations professionals, who used to rely on creating and maintaining relationships with media networks as a way to gain valuable newspaper and primetime TV space. This is no longer the case.

For several years now, the mainstream news channels, including newspapers and...

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traditional journalism
traditional journalism

Traditional Journalism’s Role in Social Influencer Marketing

Traditional journalism is dead, just ask the Internet. Except, of course, we know that’s not true, because traditional media – what some like to call Legacy Media – is going strong, maintaining a solid grip on the hearts and minds of millions upon millions of faithful fans and followers.

But what is the role of traditional journalists in the modern age of digital marketing and social media influencers? It’s a strong, vital role, to begin with.

Traditional journalism is dead, just ask the Internet. Except, of course, we...

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Marketing professionals are taking advantage of every opportunity possible to generate a buzz about their brand or products, and one of the more popular options that is transforming marketing efforts is newsjacking. This is a method of marketing that essentially involves companies or brands maximizing the buzz of current news stories and events in order to raise awareness about their own company or brand. It is generally relatively affordable or even free, and it can create a considerable amount of interest in the brand when it is done effectively.

Many of today’s news stories and current events have some negative aspect to them. It is not necessary to focus efforts on a negative news story to add your real-time spin. For example, we all remember the now-classic Oreo Superbowl Ad. Oreo successfully hijacked a major event during a sporting event, to showcase their companies brand identity, wit and voice.

Marketing professionals are taking advantage of every opportunity possible to...

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