fashion trends
fashion trends

Follow Trends or Stay True to Your Brand?

The fashion industry has been growing at a faster pace than ever before, as new fashion trends keep showing up on a weekly basis it seems. This growth isn’t showing any signs of slowing down or stopping. One of the biggest reasons behind the growth is the increase in digitization all over the world. That situation was exacerbated by the global pandemic. These days, consumers don’t need to go inside their favorite stores to buy an item of clothing. They can go online, make purchases, and get their clothing items delivered to their doorstep. This shift was the reason why both big and small fashion brands have started shifting toward eCommerce. There are some trends that fashion brands should stay away from. That’s why it’s important to know the difference between a positive and a negative industry trend.

More and more consumers these days are interested in sustainability, ethics, and politics. Fashion brands will have to become aware and define the ideals that they stand for and support in a more direct way than they have in the past. These are important factors that contribute to the purchasing decisions of many customers, especially younger customers. Consumers are looking to do business with companies that have similar values to their own. The shift means that fashion brands will start showing that they’re contributing to the environment through sustainability practices. It also means fashion brands are going to become a lot more transparent about their work ethics. This is another important factor for consumers, and they’ll have to start to integrate politics. Fashion brands can integrate the politics that they support in different ways. They can include them in their social media content, and website. Some can even create specific clothing lines that refer to specific societal or political issues. In the meantime, they will need to invest in marketing and PR to ensure that the brand is getting the right messages across to its audiences.

The fashion industry has been growing at a faster pace than ever before, as...

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city layoffs
city layoffs

Goldman Sachs, Amazon Job Cuts: How Mass Layoffs Can Affect Your Brand Perception

The last couple of months have been filled with headlines of different brands and corporations announcing job cuts and layoffs, as companies started to cut jobs not just in the US but all over the globe. Unfortunately, these mass layoffs and job cuts have also resulted in negative perceptions for brands, even though companies have pointed to the changing economic climate as the reason for the decision. No matter the reason, companies have to be careful before announcing and cutting jobs, as the news can impact the opinions of employees, shareholders and consumers.

Once a company has determined that it needs to downsize, it’s important to communicate with employees before the job cuts start happening. That means companies will have to get their human resources departments involved to create a communication plan regarding the layoffs and ensure that the company complies with all state and federal law requirements. The company will also need to ensure that everyone will be on the same page regarding the logistics of the layoffs, such as the last day of each employee, when they’ll be getting their paychecks, and gathering various resources that the employees might need aside from their benefits and severance packages. The company will have to figure out a way it will communicate the layoffs to the employees, which should always be done in private.

The last couple of months have been filled with headlines of different brands...

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Content for Brand Awareness vs. Conversion
Content for Brand Awareness vs. Conversion

Content for Brand Awareness vs. Conversion

We often talk about marketing strategies for conversion, the bottom of the purchasing funnel. However, companies that invest in creating high-quality content for the beginning stages of the buying journey can see significant impact on their overall  marketing success – building customer trust, loyalty and retention that ultimately impact the bottom of the funnel when it comes time to purchase.   

A lot of companies spent time and effort creating high-quality content for the middle and the ending stages of the buying journey for their customers. Although this is important, companies should test and learn what the appropriate balance is between content that speaks to consumers at the beginning of their buying journey and those that are further down the line. According to research, not only does investing in brand awareness content drive ROI itself, but it also helps the performance of content created for later stages in the buying journey. 

We often talk about marketing strategies for conversion, the bottom of the...

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Branding With a Purpose
Branding With a Purpose

Branding With a Purpose

According to recent reports, two-thirds of the people in the workforce believe that it’s important to them to work for a company that has a clear sense of purpose. Additionally, about over half of all customers have decided to completely stop or just reduce the number of purchases from companies that don’t meet the mark on social or environmental issues. That means, for a lot of customers, it’s important for companies to have a clear purpose and a mission that’s going to help the company stand out from the crowd and connect with its customers.

If a company truly wants to brand itself with a specific purpose, it needs to make sure that the purpose it chooses is going reflect on the core values of the business, and the company will also have to reinforce how business operations are contributing toward that purpose through real action, from top to bottom. After all, companies that only state that they have a purpose, but don’t follow through can disconnect from their target audiences, as they are going to be seen as inauthentic. True authenticity comes from companies that are able to support their purpose through action and transparency, being authentic and accountable with what the company stands for, because without those things, the company’s purpose is going to fall flat with the customers, and can even generate confusion or distrust.

According to recent reports, two-thirds of the people in the workforce believe...

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product launch
product launch

Tips for a Successful Product Launch

A successful product launch is important so that a product can reach its target market and build a customer base. For a successful product launch, drafting a press release is not enough. With so much information circulating these days, what is newsworthy can change in seconds. A launch strategy is essential and given below are tips for a successful product launch.

An important part of the launch strategy is to focus on who will benefit from the product and how. People are always more important than a product and it is important to focus on what problem a product will solve or what needs it will fulfill. A part of the launch should focus on how a product or service will be useful for customers and how it will make their lives easier. People should know why they want to buy a product or how it would improve their lives. Explaining things from the standpoint of the customer is important as that would encourage people to engage with the product. For instance, if the product is a coat, then the focus should be on how it would keep users warm and not on the color.

A successful product launch is important so that a product can reach its...

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measuring performance
measuring performance

Measuring PR Performance

When it comes to public relations efforts and campaigns, companies have to keep track of a lot of different metrics to better understand the performance of their efforts. Fortunately, there are a few public relations tools and platforms that allow companies to streamline their tasks and operations, while generating insights that will end up helping keep track of metrics and measurements. Nevertheless, companies still have to keep track of various different metrics to understand the performance, and to even figure out whether their campaigns have managed to achieve the desired goals.

First of all, companies have to begin by evaluating the effectiveness of their current public relations efforts because PR campaigns tend to have a direct impact on brand reputation as well as brand awareness, which means it’s important for companies to keep track of their performance. Through great public relations campaigns, companies can promote themselves and their solutions effectively. If the public, or the target audience of a company has a poor or negative perception of a business, it can be detrimental to business operations, because it’s going to be a lot more difficult for the business to persuade potential customers to make a purchase, and impact is bottom line. On the other hand, if a company has a positive public reception, then the company can improve its reputation, bottom line, sales, website, traffic, and more.

When it comes to public relations efforts and campaigns, companies have to...

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brand voice social media strategy
brand voice social media strategy

Community-minded brands

There are brands that make business decisions for the greater good. For a community-minded brand, it is not just the sales process that is important. These brands are concerned about helping the wider community. They focus on socially conscious activities as much as they focus on employee productivity. They want to improve the quality of life in the communities where they do business. Companies that put resources into community involvement get invaluable returns. Given below are some brands that are making a great impact by working for the greater good.

Johnson & Johnson – Johnson & Johnson is known for its philanthropy and aims to create a healthy planet and a sustainable future. This healthcare company puts in effort for global change. It has engaged students and has even helped thousands of students all over the world to receive surgeries from eye care professionals. They have also provided children with more than 500,000 eyeglasses. They are also trying to bring vision care solutions to countries across Africa and Asia. The organization is also trying to overcome the public health problem of blindness.

There are brands that make business decisions for the greater good. For a...

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mobile marketing public relations
mobile marketing public relations

Limited edition as a marketing strategy

A limited edition always helps to create hype and desire for a brand. Whenever there is scarcity, there will be an increase in demand and the value of a product will increase. That is the main idea while developing limited edition products. A limited edition product also helps to generate interest in a brand and helps it to collaborate with another brand to create something that deviates from the norm. It is a great strategy to attract new customers. Given below are some tips for success with limited edition products.

Focus on the audience

A limited edition always helps to create hype and desire for a brand. Whenever...

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