5W Launches CBD Focus Team

5WPR News
CBD PR 12.27.18

Its official – cannabis is legal…kind of.

U.S. President Donald Trump signed an $867 billion farm bill that removed industrial hemp from a list of federally controlled substances, making the way for cannabis component cannabidoil to become a trendy new ingredient. Cannabidoil, commonly known as CBD, will now have a legal market that could be worth more than $20 billion by 2022, according to research firm Brightfield Group.

A forward-thinking innovator in the cannabis PR space, 5W has consistently been recognized for its ability to remain ahead of the curve and propel clients into mainstream news, establishing brand resonance through results-driven earned media campaigns. 5W’s CBD PR specialty team will combine the industry-leading capabilities of its Health & Wellness practices with its long-history of expertise within the Consumer Brand space, as well as the strategic counsel of its leading Beauty and Food & Beverage practice areas.

The team, currently working with several clients in the CBD space, is committed to emerging as the voice for brands in the sector, devising innovative communications programs for clients within this emerging category. We spoke with 5W team members to provide us with a greater understanding of how PR can help CBD clients, and what the market means for the consumer.


Beauty media are reporting on personal care as a means to overall wellness, creating an immediate space for CBD products. In this category, it really isn’t a cannabis story – it’s about beauty as a means to self-care. Successful PR messaging illustrates how these products perform as a whole – from packaging to a luxury user experience – so that brands can fit within stories specifically on CBD but also product/solution and skin care innovation stories.

“Editors are also increasingly making beauty stories personal by tying them in to their own experiences. By partnering with an agency who knows editors and influencers personally, CBD brands can pursue true relationships with media who are open about their struggles with anxiety, unique skin conditions and even stressful commutes. Pursuing those who will reap a direct benefit is a smart, high-return approach to product seeding.” – Alise Edgcomb, Vice President of Beauty at 5W

Health & Wellness

“The CBD industry is at the helms of explosive growth. Throughout the year, lifestyle and wellness media has been ahead of the hype, writing about ground-breaking research, status of legislation, personal experience, health benefits, newcomers to the space, the most innovative products, etc. With PR teams working behind the scenes to create and distribute this content, these story ideas will inevitably support the growth of the industry and its consumer audience.

“While CBD has been shown to help with many different health conditions, CBD companies are regulated by the FDA, and touting official health claims for products is prohibited. This is where building relationships with media comes in to play. With product seeding, key influencers and media, we are committed to driving the facts behind CBD.

“Additionally there is a much larger need in working with wellness media to help dispel consumer confusion between CBD and THC as well as destigmatize and normalize CBD. Likewise, media has the ability to raise awareness of companies whose testing and responsible sourcing provide high-quality products and help consumers avoid unregulated, imitation products.” – Jacolyn Gleason, Associate Vice President of Health & Wellness at 5W.


“Writers, influencers and producers are hungry to talk about CBD food and beverage. There’s a huge opportunity for brands to be a part of the conversation, and also for the right brands to lead it. There’s still a lot of education that needs to be done for consumers to be able to identify and seek the right products for themselves, which also signals big opportunity. We’re just seeing the start of what’s going to be an even bigger trend and global conversation ahead.” – Marijana Gucunski, Vice President of Consumer at 5W.

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